Yesterday was Shobu Aikido Basics Seminar. We did about 5 hours of basic training, with emphasis on feeling the flow of the movements, rather than breaking it down into its component parts. I don't really get how feeling the flow lends itself to basic training though -- I'm an especially nit-picky learner who does best when I'm breaking everything down slowly and grokking things a little bit at a time. Still, it was really a lot of fun, and I do feel like I gained something from it.
We also worked with jo (short staff)! [Translation: I got to play with a stick!] It was super fun, and much easier than the bokken the last week. I have "rigidity" issues where I can't quite grasp the concept that both ends of the jo are equally valid as weapons, and that flipping from one side to the other should be easy, safe, and as natural as breathing. I also got bonked (lightly) on the thumb, but it doesn't hurt too badly, so that's okay. Yay jo!
There was a kyu testing after the seminar, which was very interesting to see, and immediately relevant to me. I got to see what my very next belt test will look like. It's pretty intimidating. Hopefully I'll be ready to test soon! :D
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